Tree Seedling Care
This page is full of helpful information to get your new seedlings off to a great start!
Congratulations in purchasing seedlings from the Sherburne Soil and Water Conservation District annual tree sale! Your trees will grow to provide a lifetime of benefit by giving shade, food, wildlife habitat and many other services.
How to plant your seedlings
Here is a brief, fun video from the MN DNR on how to properly plant your tree seedlings in just six easy steps.
1. Pick a Spot
2. Watch those Roots 3. Dig a Hole and Plant the Seedling 4. Cover those Roots 5. Give it Water 6. Put Mulch Around it |
Seedling Care Tips
When You Get Them Home Your seedlings have the best chances for survival if you plant them as soon after purchase as possible. Store newly purchased seedlings in a cool dark location until they can be planted. If your seedlings are stored for more than a few days, open the bag and dampen the roots periodically. Do NOT soak or leave the roots submerged in water while the trees are in storage. Tree roots need air just like you and me. |
Bud Capping to keep the Deer from Nibbling
A bud cap is a lightweight, 4" x 6" piece of paper that is folded in half and stapled around the terminal shoot and bud of the tree. Use at least three staples and catch some needles with the staple to help hold the paper in place. Deer browsing of side branches is usually not detrimental to the health and survival of young white pine. Bud-capping should be done in the fall before snow covers the ground. Trees can grow up through the paper during the next growing season, so bud caps do not need removal. Reapply bud caps every year until the tree is at least four feet tall and out of easy reach of deer.